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Energy Hub: Ethics Header Image

Supplier Relationships

Kohler Energy’s Commitment

Kohler Energy strives to develop relationships with high-quality suppliers who commit to our expectations of practicing the highest legal, moral, and ethical standards. Kohler Energy will only work with suppliers who adhere to our guidelines and applicable international laws on:

Ethics, business integrity, and anticorruption;

Health and safety;

Environmental management; and

Labor and human rights.

In addition, Kohler Energy is committed to creating an environment where suppliers have an incentive to continue to work with us and remain confident that they will be treated lawfully and ethically. Kohler Energy is committed to the fair selection of all suppliers.

Our Role

In support of Kohler Energy’s commitment, as associates, we ensure:

A competitive and impartial analysis when selecting or awarding business to a supplier;

Proper authorization and appropriate terms and conditions are met prior to engaging suppliers; and

Supplier compliance with all applicable laws in locations where they operate.

In addition, we must avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest associated with suppliers and must never accept gifts or other items of value that influence or appear to influence the selection process or gain favor for or from a supplier.

The Scenario

The manager of a supplier currently participating in a bid for business with Kohler Energy sends two tickets to Disney World to Armani over the holiday season. The enclosed card says, “Happy Holidays, hope you and your partner enjoy this token of our appreciation for considering us for business. Cheers.” What should Armani do?

Our Stance

Armani should return the gift because a bid for business with Kohler Energy is ongoing, and Kohler Energy policy prohibits the acceptance of gifts or other items appearing to influence the selection process or gain favor.